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Your jewelry is precious. MJ Harrington Jewelers offers both insurance appraisals and estate appraisals, providing you with an expert opinion, protection in case of loss and invaluable knowledge.
A written record of the value of your most precious jewelry pieces offers peace of mind and protection to you and your family. An appraisal is an informed opinion as to the descriptions, quality, and value of an item.
At MJ Harrington Jewelers, we take this process very seriously. Only highly trained professionals can accurately determine the value of an item. We have a certified gemologist appraiser on staff, one of only four in New Hampshire. This title is the most highly regarded among peers in the jewelry industry.
While there are many different types of appraisals, most generally fall into two categories: insurance appraisals and estate appraisals. These are two very different procedures, so the value placed on the item will vary for each.
Knowing which type of appraisal is needed ensures that if a loss occurs, you are as prepared as possible. We adhere to specific industry guidelines to ensure accuracy and professionalism in all of our appraisal documentation.
Insurance Appraisals
An insurance appraisal is the estimated price for which a similarly described item could be purchased, if it is comparable in material quality and craftsmanship. Keep in mind insurance values are relative to the time of the appraisal as well as prices from merchants who normally stock and deal in the type of merchandise in question.
Estate Appraisals
An estate appraisal is the estimated cash value of an item which is available in an “as is” condition and represents the fair market value. The fair market value is based on the approximate amount one might anticipate in a transaction between a willing buyer and a willing seller without a forced sale and where time is not of the essence.
To schedule an appointment, please call us at 800-257-6539 or email us.